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  • Carbon Monoxide

    CO and its part in Combustion (Fume) Spillage. Fume Monitor What is Carbon Monoxide?   Carbon Monoxide (CO), is a colourless, tasteless, invisible gas that has no odour of its own and is often referred to as “the silent killer”.   How is Carbon Monoxide produced?   Carbon Monoxide is produced when something interferes with the combustion (burning) process leading to the incomplete  burning of ‘any’  fuel.   There are many situations which can occur, causing interference of this burning process, leading to the production of elevated levels of carbon monoxide in the combustion gasses for example;   ·        A lack of oxygen to support combustion ·        A problem in providing adequate ventilation ·        A problem with the flames touching cooler surfaces ·        A problem with the flames touching other flames ·        A problem with flame stability / retention     What fuels can produce carbon monoxide?   ·        Fuels that can produce carbon monoxide when burnt include; Natural gas, LPG, Oil, Wood, Coal, Peat, Petrol, Diesel and many others. ·        Biomass wood pellet stores generate carbon monoxide during the decay of the material fuel. ·        Cigarettes are also a source of carbon monoxide  What fuel-burning equipment can produce carbon monoxide?   Any appliance, machine or device burning a fuel (excluding electricity & Nuclear) has the potential to produce carbon monoxide, under certain conditions.   Central heating boilers, range cookers, mobile room heaters, open fires, closed stoves (flued & flueless), gas cookers and other devices are examples of equipment that can create a risk to life & property.     Domestic charcoal-fuelled Barbeques (fixed and portable) are particularly dangerous, often emitting lethal quantities of carbon monoxide just after use and if not stored correctly, can constitute a serious threat to life.   Flueless appliances including fuel-burning generators, space heaters, paraffin lamps and camping devices used for lighting, heating and cooking are included within this category.   Incinerators can also produce high levels of carbon monoxide, because of the quantity of different materials being burnt.   Domestic, commercial and industrial processes involving the welding of metals are a source of carbon monoxide production (in addition to many other toxic substances released).   Vehicle workshops can also experience elevated levels of ambient carbon monoxide.     Can I prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in my home?   Yes, there are things that can be undertaken to significantly reduce the risk associated with the production / spillage of the products of combustion into your property.   ·        Ensure that any appliance machine or device that burns fuel, is suitable for the purpose intended and in good condition ·        Ensure it has been installed correctly by a suitably qualified engineer / installer and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions ·        Ensure any appliance, machine or device is inspected, serviced or repaired by a suitably qualified engineer / installer in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. ·        Ensure that any defective appliances, machines and devices that cannot be repaired, should be made safe and removed completely from any source of fuel by a suitably qualified engineer / installer. ·        Ensure flues / Chimneys are installed correctly by a suitably qualified engineer and inspected / tested once a year by a suitably qualified chimney sweep, This applies to Oil & Gas flues and not just solid fuel. ·        Ensure any ventilation provided for the safe operation of any appliance, machine or device, does not become obstructed, sealed off or otherwise rendered inoperative ·        Have a carbon monoxide detector of a type that complies with BS EN 50291 installed in each room or area containing a fuel burning appliance, machine or device ·        If you suspect any appliance, machine or device that burns a fuel, has become defective or is operating in a manner not consistent with that indicated by the manufacturer, turn off all power and fuel to the affected unit and seek advice immediately!     If you see soot staining, or the yellowing/ browning of surfaces / fabrics on or around any fuel burning appliances or their flue systems or;   You notice unusual smells when the appliance is being used, experience any difficulties in breathing or suffer eye, nose or throat irritation when an appliance is being used,   TURN IT OFF IMMEDIATELY and contact a suitably qualified engineer to investigate this, as your life may be at risk!   Read the full article on our website under the Carbon Monoxide heading.

  • Gas Fired South West

    Gas Fired Southwest Gas Fired South West is a division of  ​   ​ specialising in the commission, repair, and service of gas-fired appliances, including Aga, Rayburn and other range cookers, boilers, standard domestic cookers, fires and gas stoves.   We undertake Gas safety inspections upon natural gas and LPG domestic installations, which includes Landlords Gas Safety inspections.   In addition to the above, we are qualified under CMDDA1 to undertake Fume Investigation and will carry this out for any domestic or commercial client. (Please note, this is a service for which a charge will be applied). ​ Our qualified and experienced professional provides exceptional service and care for our clients in the South west and surrounding  area. We take pride in our work and strive to deliver the results you need

  • The Competent Persons Scheme

    The Competent Person Self-Certification Scheme: The competent person self-certification scheme (often referred to as; competent person schemes) were introduced by the UK Government in 2002.   The purpose of the schemes was to enable companies and individual tradespersons to self-certificate (sign-off) their own work, stating that it has been carried out in accordance with Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) and other legislation/approved codes of practice.   The reason for this introduction was to facilitate a more efficient means of obtaining approval/certification for building works that would otherwise require a building notice and/or deposit of full plans. The schemes were also created to reduce the burden being placed upon Local Authority Building Control Officers.   The self-certification scheme is used as an alternative to submitting a building notice/full plans to the Local Authority and engaging the services of a Building Control Officer (building inspector). Competent persons are still required to comply with the requirements laid down in the Approved Documents and other legislation/approved codes of practice.   Tradespersons who are not part of a self-certification scheme will still need to submit a building notice/full plans to a Local Authority and engage a building control officer in addition to ensuring compliance with the above.   A Competent Person:   The Health and Safety Executive in the UK defines a competent person as:-   A competent person is someone who has sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities that allow them to assist you properly. The level of competence required will depend on the complexity of the situation and the particular help you need. You must get help from a competent person to enable you to meet the requirements of health and safety law. In addition to the above, anyone carrying out building works where a building notice or full plans would have to be submitted must ensure they comply with the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) and the Building Act 1984. There are aspects of building works/ other works involving building services that do not require a building notice or submission of full plans and we shall look at these in another document.   Tradespersons joining competent person schemes:   Any tradesperson wishing to join a competent person’s scheme must ensure the trade body is registered with such a scheme that has been approved by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.   Providers of competent person schemes: The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) is in charge of authorising competent person schemes. To make sure that the standards are consistent, there are rules that scheme operators must follow and conditions they must meet. Tradespersons wishing to join a scheme provider must ensure it supports the type of work they wish to undertake. There are several scheme providers and they may have different application processes, rules and fees.   What to expect when applying to join a scheme provider:   Tradespersons wishing to join a scheme provider must submit their application and their level of competence will be assessed, which includes verification of an applicants training, qualifications, insurance, company administration, health and safety and also conducting regular on-site visits, to ensure tradespersons continue to meet the standards required to retain their membership and self-certificate their work.   Minimum Technical Competence: In order to be registered with a competent person scheme, tradespersons need to demonstrate that they meet the relevant minimum technical competence requirements as stipulated by scheme providers.    Current Government Approved Scheme Providers in the Oil Fired Engineering Sector:   APHC Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (Certification) Limited. (Our preferred competent person scheme provider)    Blue Flame Certification Limited   BESCA Building Engineering Services Competence Assessment Limited CERTSURE Certsure LLP, trading as ELECSA or NICEIC   NAPIT NAPIT Registration Limited   OFTEC Oil Firing Technical Association Limited   Oil Fired Re-certification   This writeup would not be complete without a short discussion on the subject of oil fired training and/or re-certification.   Any tradesperson wishing to work upon gas systems and appliances, is under a legal requirement  to be registered with a group/body approved by the Health and Safety Executive, in this case; GAS SAFE REGISTER;   Work involving oil fired systems and appliances, does not fall under the same legal umbrella so to speak however, compliance with Approved Documents and numerous other legislation, requires a need to either self-certificate or submit a building notice to the Local Authority.   Do we have to be a member of OFTEC?   The simple answer to this is NO !   Scheme providers assess tradespersons using an approved format. The training/re-certification an operative has undertaken determines competence to carry out that particular aspect of work.   Tradespersons are required to demonstrate competence and the ability to comply with Building Regulations 2010 (as amended), either as a competent person self-certificating their own work or by submitting building notices to the Local Authority.   Validation of one’s competence can be achieved by attending one of the numerous training establishments up and down the UK, to undertake training and/or re-certification in OFTEC modules for the type of oil work one wishes to carry out.   Having achieved training/re-certification, they can apply to become a member of a Competent Persons Scheme Provider.   The scheme provider will as mentioned earlier, assess the applicant’s suitability to join the scheme. One aspect of this is to validate a tradesperson’s training/qualifications/certifications, amongst other criteria.   For example; in addition to our comprehensive array of industry-specifc training, experience and qualifications, we have obtained re-certification in the following OFTEC modules:-   OFT 10 – 101  – Commissioning, service, maintenance of single stage pressure jet appliances.   OFT10 – 102D/W  – Commissioning, service, maintenance of vapourising burner appliances.   OFT10 – 600A  – Installation of oil storage tanks and supply systems to fixed combustion appliances. This includes the inspection and service of oil storage tanks and supply systems.   Our OFTEC Oil Fired Training Certification is valid for five years and must be renewed on or after 23 January 2029

  • Oil Engineers

    Oil Engineers and their Competent Person Scheme provider Oil Engineers and their CPS provider. Following on from the recent post(s) upon our website, detailing the update from OFTEC (The Oil Firing Technical Association), as seen within the Spring 2024 issue of Oil Installer on the Competent Person Scheme, we wish to provide the following information. Snippets from Oil Installer are shown below in blue Italics: A better understanding! Given that; Competent Person Schemes have been around for more than 20 years, and the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) clearly set out the details of the Competent Persons Scheme and its providers , it is surprising to note many installers and service technicians still believe  they must be registered with OFTEC to undertake installation and commissioning work for an oil fired system as a Competent Person. It’s time to forget the old ideas about CPS Competent Person Schemes (CPS) have been with us for a while now – 21 years in fact. When they started back in 2002, the individual scheme operators focused on single technologies. For example, HETAS were the CPS for solid fuel heating, while OFTEC’s supported the oil heating sector. Over time that has gradually changed, with some CPS providers expanding the scopes of registration they offer, while others have kept to their original position. Solid fuel remains the sole focus of HETAS, but other scheme operators, including OFTEC, have expanded their offering. While liquid fuels remain the priority, OFTEC added solid fuel in 2015 and more recently, biomass, heat pump, Part P, MCS, and Trustmark registration. A lack of understanding:   There remains within the oil industry, an inherent lack of understanding about the way in which today’s Competent Person Scheme functions and those organisations who are legally permitted to operate such a scheme.   Let’s not get confused with Gas Safe Register, where it is a legal requirement  for any person who undertakes work upon gas systems or appliances (Nat Gas or LPG) to be registered with a body approved for the time being, by the Health & Safety Executive.   Customers continue to ask about the need to be OFTEC registered to undertake work upon oil fired storage systems, pipework and appliances and we continue to see a number of installers stating on their website literature & associated banners:-    “ Only use OFTEC Registered Engineers to work on your oil appliances”.  Spreading the word about CPS changes While heating engineers have been aware of these changes (have they really!),  the wider world has been slow to wake up to the diversification within the CPS sector. It’s understandable that householders may not realise that a solid fuel heating installer registered with OFTEC is no different to one registered with HETAS when it comes to competence and the ability to self-certify work. This may indeed be the case where they’ve used HETAS registered engineers in the past. However, it’s apparent that some industries that should know better have been slow to understand the changes. A word in their ear. Our advice to installers and service engineers is simple! “Wake up and smell the coffee”. The information you are displaying is incorrect and could be construed as being anti-competitive, a matter upon which OFTEC is taking positive action.   OFTEC have requested that; If you have any examples of problems of this kind, please contact OFTEC’s marketing team –   UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies:   UKAS Accredited Certification bodies are those groups who’s responsibility it is, to undertake the final assessment of and approval for, the awarding of any certification in the competence of an individual working in for example; the oil, gas, water, electrical and renewable energy industries.   OFTEC do not provide this aspect of learning directly to tradespersons, nor do they act as the Accredited Certification Body.   They are a; COMPETENT PERSON SCHEME PROVIDER as detailed within the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended).   UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies are for example:   Bpec. ERS. Logic 4Training   The training Centres:   It is the responsibility of the numerous approved centres up and down the country who deliver the training and assessments to tradespersons that (following certification), enable them to  become members of a Competent Person Scheme and self-certificate their own work.   Competent Person Scheme Providers.   Organisations permitted to offer competent person schemes to the oil fired sector (including liquid biofuels) are as follows:   APHC  – Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (Certification) Ltd   BESCA  – Building Engineering Services Competence Assessment Limited.   Blue Flame Certification  – Blue Flame Certification Limited.   Certsure  – Certsure LLP trading as ELECSA or NICEIC.   NAPIT  – National Registration Limited.   OFTEC  – Oil Firing Technical Association Limited.     OFTEC view of competition within the Competent Person Scheme: Competition is good news for heating engineers This diversification has several benefits for heating engineers. Increased competition means more choice and potentially more competitive pricing. It also means you can stay with a single provider as you or your business diversifies – which could save money and keeps renewals simpler. In the past, this was of only moderate value, but in an industry where decarbonisation is a reality, the potential to diversify and offer a broader range of technologies may become an increasingly popular – even essential – option to ensure businesses to remain competitive. End of notice.

  • Oil Storage Tanks

    Oil storage tanks near buildings and structures.   We have included a post about an article seen in Oil Installer, 1st December 2023.   Photo and text coutesy of Oil Installer magazine.   Safety first with oil tanks – using fire protection barriers In the quiet corners of homes and businesses across the UK, tucked away in gardens and yards, sit the unsung heroes of winter warmth – fuel oil tanks. These tanks silently fuel our heating systems, providing comfort, hot water and cosiness during the chilly months. Thousands of households and businesses rely on oil-based heating systems. However, the convenience and efficiency of such systems come with a necessary caution: the risk of fire. While rare, the consequences of a fire involving an oil tank can be severe, posing a threat not only to property but also to lives… and this is why regulations are tight concerning where oil tanks can be sited. Of course, different restrictions apply to siting tanks near buildings and boundaries, but the constraints can mean that choosing the right location without compromising on outdoor space or aesthetics, is tricky for your customers. Fire protection To help to solve this problem, the industry developed fire protection barriers for oil tanks. When installed correctly, they provide an efficient and economical way to comply with regulations, improve the appearance of the tank location and, of course, keep property and people safe. Insulated fire protection barriers act to mitigate the potential damage that can arise in the unfortunate event of a fire. They act as a shield, creating a protective zone around the oil tank and slowing down any fire that ignites. They come in a kit form, so can usually be erected quickly with minimal tools. Rob Butler from Barton Oil Burner Services Ltd had this to say: “We decided to use fire protection barriers a couple of years ago. Although we weren’t sure if installing the panels would be easy or effective before we started, we quickly found it was! Easy installation “The barriers are supplied in various sizes in a kit that has everything you need for the installation, making it easy to do with just a few tools. In fact, it’s very simple: you just fix or lay a guide rail on the floor and clip the barrier sections in. “The panel sections are 500mm high and come in different lengths to suit any tank size and project needs. The panels are made of an insulating material with a metal covering. They’re very easy to cut and light to handle. Once you’ve got them up, you add the end panels, fit the top section and add the corners. The whole thing is fixed together with self-tapping 8 mm-headed bolts. The panels are finished in green, and the kit even had green caps for the bolts, so the final results look very professional and neat. “If your project demands that your fire protection be free-standing rather than attached to another structure, such as a wall, you can get angled brackets that fix to the floor and fully support the panels. They’re about 100mm thick, so you need to accommodate this when you’re making your concrete base. “The kit was packaged really well. The sheets came fully protected with a film covering that you pull off during installation. “All in all, we are really impressed with how quickly we can erect fire protection barriers for our customers. You can put a 2.5 x 2.0m wall up, from start to finish, in 1/2 hour.” Popular products Atlantis Tanks’ fire protection barriers are one of the company’s most popular products. The company’s sales director, Kieran Mytton, explained: “We’ve seen sales of our fire protection barrier kits increase a lot over recent years. We put that rise down to the kits being simple to use and quick to erect. Installing these barriers also means that you’ve got lots more choice about where to put an oil tank… and it’s going to look better, wherever it’s located. To help our customers calculate the right size of kit for a project, we now have a kit size calculator tool on the website, which makes the job even easier.” In a world where safety matters most, fire protection barriers help your customers to keep warm without compromise.

  • Rayburn OF22 & Oil Nouvelle

    Rayburn OF22 & Oil Nouvelle   Do you or someone you know have an oil fired Rayburn OF22 (222K) or an Oil Nouvelle (368K), that is cherished, but unable to find an engineer who can service these appliances? Look no further! Drop us a line and we will be more than happy to talk with you about this. Superb appliances!

  • Is there an alien in your oil tank?

    Is there an Alien in your oil tank ? The ingress of water into the oil tank will ultimately lead to the growth of a Fungus.   Surprisingly enough, this fungal matter thrives in the water that resides below the oil.   The water can enter through defective caps on the oil tank (during prolonged and heavy rainfall) or through rapid changes in temperature at/around the tank leading to excess condensation within the tank itself.   Having water in the oil is a significant problem for both pressure jet and vaporising oil burners and the pipework that supplies the oil appliances.   A proper inspection of your oil tank is essential to avoid so far as practicable, expensive breakdown of equipment and the inconvenience of being without your oil boiler or Aga –Rayburn cooker, caused by the ingress of water and/or fungus is there an Alien in your oil tank?


    Gas fired appliance commissioning, service and repair

  • Competent Persons Scheme update

    Competent Persons Scheme update: A better understanding! Given that; Competent Person Schemes have been around for more than 20 years, and the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) clearly set out the details of the Competent Persons Scheme and its providers, it is surprising to note many installers and service technicians still believe they must be registered with OFTEC to undertake installation and commissioning work for an oil fired system as a Competent Person. The following information has been provided from Oil Installer – Spring 2024 issue.   It’s time to forget the old ideas about CPS Competent Person Schemes (CPS) have been with us for a while now – 21 years in fact. When they started back in 2002, the individual scheme operators focused on single technologies. For example, HETAS were the CPS for solid fuel heating, while OFTEC’s supported the oil heating sector. Over time that has gradually changed, with some CPS providers expanding the scopes of registration they offer, while others have kept to their original position. Solid fuel remains the sole focus of HETAS, but other scheme operators, including OFTEC, have expanded their offering. While liquid fuels remain the priority, OFTEC added solid fuel in 2015 and more recently, biomass, heat pump, Part P, MCS, and Trustmark registration. Competition is good news for heating engineers This diversification has several benefits for heating engineers. Increased competition means more choice and potentially more competitive pricing. It also means you can stay with a single provider as you or your business diversifies – which could save money and keeps renewals simpler. In the past, this was of only moderate value, but in an industry where decarbonisation is a reality, the potential to diversify and offer a broader range of technologies may become an increasingly popular – even essential – option to ensure businesses to remain competitive. Spreading the word about CPS changes While heating engineers have been aware of these changes, the wider world has been slow to wake up to the diversification within the CPS sector. It’s understandable that householders may not realise that a solid fuel heating installer registered with OFTEC is no different to one registered with HETAS when it comes to competence and the ability to self-certify work. Particularly if they’ve used HETAS registered engineers in the past. However, it’s apparent that some industries that should know better have been slow to understand the changes. One example is insurance. OFTEC was recently made aware of a policy offered by a leading insurance company that stipulated that the homeowner’s solid fuel appliance must be installed by a HETAS engineer or the policy would be invalid. We’ve also been made aware of landlords that make similar stipulations relating to individual technologies, in one case leading to a registered business missing out on a valuable installation contract. Given that this is obviously wrong as well as being anti-competitive, OFTEC is now taking positive action to make the wider world more aware that a competent person scheme registration is equally valuable, regardless of which scheme provider the business is registered with. If you have any examples of problems of this kind, please contact OFTEC’s marketing team –

  • Do You Have Oil In The Tank?

    If your pressure jet boiler or range cooker has gone to lockout – failed to light and went to safety shut down or your vaporising burner range cooker has gone out……   It is important to go and check if you have any oil in the tank.   A large proportion of boiler and range cooker breakdowns result from tanks running out of oil, or constantly running low and dragging in quantities of water and sludge from the internal floor of the oil tank, which contaminates pipes, valves, and burner components, leading to expensive breakdowns.   The photo below shows fungus contamination in the bottom of an oil tank. It does not take long for this to get into the oil supply line and then into the burner.   The photo below shows the consequences of sludge being pulled into the oil pump on a pressure jet burner. This pump had to be replaced with a new one.   Checking for oil in the tank:   It is recommended that customers check their oil tank levels once a month.   This is important for a number of reasons namely;   a). To keep an eye on levels and prevent the tank running out of Kerosine.   b). To note any changes that may affect the safety of the tank or the environment.   If you are at all concerned about the condition or location of your oil tank, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to attend and inspect the tank for you. Watchman Alarm System:   A very convenient way to do this is to use the Watchman Sonic Alarm system. Most bunded (twin skin) plastic oil tanks are fitted with these devices. Plastic single skin tanks occasionally utilise an older version of this device) as shown below.   Modern Watchman Sonic Alarm oil tank level monitoring:   This system allows the customer to monitor the level of oil in the tank from the comfort of their home.   The sender unit fitted into oil tank shown below    The receiver unit plugged into a socket in the property. You can see the bars displayed on the small screen. This relates to the quantity of oil in the tank.  If you cannot see any readings or other information being displayed in the small screen on the receiver unit in the house and the socket is switched on and power is available, then you have either completely run out of oil or you will require a service visit to inspect the sender unit at the oil tank.     Oil Tank Sight Gauge:   This is by far the most popular means of measuring the level of oil in a steel or single skin plastic tank.   The sight gauge (when visible) holds a column of oil in the sight tube, and corresponds to the level of oil in the tank. Sight gauge and valve are shown below fitted to a steel tank.     Please note:    The oil in the sight tube will only loose a few mm a month from evaporation and will not automatically adjust to the use of oil from the tank.   We recommend you pull out the plunger once a month to allow the sight tube to settle to the correct tank level.   We have attended numerous breakdown calls where the sight tube is telling the customer there is adequate oil in the tank. When the plunger is pulled out on the side of the valve, the oil level in the tube promptly disappears – no oil available in the tank.   The gauge and plunger are shown below.   The plunger is shown (Red arrow) and to open the sight tube valve, gently pull out the plunger (about half an inch) in the direction of the Yellow arrow.   The sight tube contents should settle out to match the actual oil level in the tank. If the contents in the tube do not move at all, the inlet valve could be blocked with dead bugs.   It will be necessary for us to attend and clear this out for you.   You may find that as the plunger is pulled out and held in position to allow tube oil level to settle, you may see the oil level disappear down into the bottom of the tube. This will mean you have run out of oil. There are other types of tank gauge and if you are unsure which you have, please do not hesitate to send us a photo and we shall endeavour to help you out.   Manually Dipping the Tank:   As a last resort the tank can be manually dipped through the filling cap, using a long pole and then measuring the level of oil on the pole against the height of the tank. This will tell you how much oil is in the tank.   We do not recommend that you attempt to climb onto or against your tank and should enlist the help of a competent person to undertake this for you.   If you have run out of oil, it will be necessary for us to attend and purge the oil line through and re-fire the appliance.   Plenty of oil in the tank, but boiler or range cooker is in lockout.   If you have checked the level of oil in your tank and there appears to be an adequate amount available, or you have just had the tank refilled recently then you can try the following procedure.   a). Look for any glowing lights on your boiler casing telling you there has been a lockout of the burner as shown below.   You may have to lift off the front case of your boiler to find the burner and see if there is a glowing orange or red light visible as shown below. If you have a pressure jet range cooker, there may be glowing red lights at the bottom of the cooker at floor level as shown below. What can be tried is to gently push the glowing button inwards with your finger and then release it. This process takes about 2- seconds.  What should then happen is the burner should attempt to restart, the motor will start and you will hear this. The burner should then attempt to relight. If this happens all may be well and your boiler/range cooker may continue to run.   b). If the burner goes to lockout once again (orange or red light comes back on again, wait 5 minutes and push the glowing button in once more.   If the burner starts, fires up and runs without further problems, then all may be fine and your burner will run.   c). If the burner locks out again either straight away or in an hour or so, turn appliance off and you will need to contact us to book a visit.   There are other issues affecting the burner and other appliance safety devices that can cause lockout, but these can only be diagnosed and rectified by an engineer.   If you do not feel confident to carry out any of the above-mentioned checks, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to attend and look at the problem for you.   If you have a vaporising oil burner that has gone out, if you are not sure how to relight it and what processes to follow;  Please contact us to book a visit.   Never attempt to relight a hot vaporising burner range cooker or oil fired stove.   This is very dangerous and could cause an explosion!

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